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Setting up Google Analytics – again.

Now that I’m finally back to work on DiggnDeeper, its time to finish up the full setup of assets on top of the sites I built last year. At the time I only connected the root site of but there are twelve sub domains that also need independent analytics and other assets that will come in very handy as I try to build this.

At the moment, I have no point of reference as to initial traffic. That is unlikely to be a factor as I’m quite sure there is no actual traffic to the site now. It has been very stagnant for about the last nine months or more and several of the sub domains don’t even have any worthwhile content yet.

Obviously, it is good to know performance statistics and monitor usage as the site hopefully begins to grow, but I fully intend to put some money into marketing the site and in order to do that effectively, I need to have a clear and complete picture of what is happening.

None of these concepts are news to anyone I’m sure, but I’m very exited to watch things grow and that is what I hope will become news – eventually.

Now back to the actual work of setting up all the things. I’ll be posting regular updates of the progress as is the numbers start to become available.