It’s 10pm and I’m thoroughly used up, but I’m finally sitting at my own desk again.
My head is whirring.
This has been probably the most interesting experience of my life. I’m working the entire waking day and night since Saturday until this moment with an electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, software engineer and a remote team in the hopes to provide the world with a new paradigm of abundance and sustainability.
I know how that sounds, but…
While the world is doing what the hell ever is going on out there, we are trying to create something for you.
The irony of the timing of this event and whatever is happening out there is certainly not lost on us while we are working here.
Although we have spent over a decade getting ready and iterating to get to this point, things are moving now. I am blessed to be able to play my little part of it.
There is no way I’m ready to write out something nice tonight, but I thought I would at least share a little. I will work on sharing what we did and where we are going within the next few days.
In a nutshell, Open Source Ecology is rolling out a series of hackathons where we were able to build 3D printers from easily available parts. This will allow us to build printers, mills and even circuit boards. We are a long way from getting that done, but we have a good solid start.

We wrapped up this project prepared for ongoing collaboration and iterations. I’m anxious to see what we can accomplish. #OpenSourceEcology #STEEMCamp #Hackathon