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01-10-22: Rocking the First Florida Work-ation.

This past Saturday, we made the trip from up near Cincinnati to central Florida with a lot of family members for a week long vacation. My plan has been to make myself nice and comfy out here by the pool and get a lot of work done on this DiggnDeeper Project.

I haven’t broken any productivity records on the content side, but things are coming along well on the organizing side of things, which must come before I start to produce the content I’m planning from here. The nice weather does seem to be helping me stay focused. Maybe we will have to try this again.

Organizing, Engaging and Optimizing WordPress/ Hive Content with a Focus on Navigation.

Most of my time so far has been towards working out ways to try to blend and optimize my WordPress content and navigation with my Hive blog. This is necessary for SEO and also just so this whole thing works nicely.

I have gone through three iterations so far and I think I’ve landed on a good start. The way I created the navigation and how the multiple WordPress sites work together has to be carefully thought out so that they will work well together going forward. I want everything to within THREE CLICKS.

Its a mildly challenging task and it has also proven to be a bit tedious. I certainly don’t mind, as it seems to have the side effect of making me a lot more intimate with what I’m doing.

Frankly, I just love this stuff. It fits my curiosities and my potential for OCD, especially when it comes to canonical order.

Now that I have that fairly well sorted, I need to start working away at the main pages for each subdomain. That will be some work for me and will probably take more than the rest of my time here. I’m a little apprehensive about that task, but once I get going things turn fun and interesting as I get to research and write about stuff I’m very interested in.

On the Hive side of this, I’m also trying to research tag use and Communities so that curation is more effective for the people looking for the kind of content that I am trying to promote. The reality is that there isn’t as much content on here as I would like to see, and so that turns into outreach to some of the projects I’m interested in and that I believe should use Hive as their home.

Other Projects Needed and Identified Along the Way.

There is now a Projects listing on the front page of that I will be using to keep track of a growing list of projects that I would like to accomplish.

Need a Better Syndication Plugin.

This would be Open Source, of course.

I would love to find someone that will take #Hive to help me develop a plugin for WordPress that will give us options for setting beneficiaries mostly.

My initial revenue scheme thoughts are to set the devs as long term beneficiaries and just payout Hive on top as needed. That’s something that certainly needs considering, but if it could remain Hive-centric, I think that should be the goal.

SPK Network

This is really worth the investment. Since the snapshot last week, there has been tons of interest in this project. Most will likely fade away without really doing much, but I would love to find a few folks that would like to collaborate on standing up a server so we can do a nice job documenting the process for others to follow. I’ve been trying to collect a few that are interested on our Discord: Come join us.

I’ll make a post about this soon. I want to finish the entry pages of all the subdomains first.

Policing-The-Police Down Vote Trail Being Carefully Contemplated

I have a lot of thoughts about this…

There are a few folks going around causing trouble with their “police” hats on and it irritates the hell out of me. I’m not completely sure I want to do anything about it, or what it is I would do, but there does seem to be a need for some attention towards some of these players. Although their mission sounds good and all, the outcome might be something less good for our beloved Hive. That concerns me.

#HiveTwitter Marketing

@Hiro-Hive leads the way on this. Check out the new Hive Twitter Community where you can find the latest activities and get involved. We are always looking to target influencers that are talking about problems Hive can solve for them.